For many people, the appearance of the first robin, colorful snow crocus, or other tiny green shoots poking their heads through the soil, indicates that spring is near. It is the perfect time to start or renew steps to living a healthier lifestyle. Here are eight great ideas for easy changes that people can start, which will make them stronger, healthier and happier for the nicer weather ahead.
1. Make it a habit to take the stairs instead of an elevator whenever possible. It is okay to begin slowly, and gently increase your lung capacity as you get your heart pumping for a beneficial cardiovascular workout. Research shows that individuals who use stairways live longer and enjoy the following benefits:
- Lower body fat
- Lower blood pressure
- LDL cholesterol decline
- Improved lung capacity
2. Limit the amount of caffeine you consume in drinks like coffee, colas and energy drinks. Too much caffeine, which varies in amount for each person, can produce negative side effects like insomnia, anxiety, irritability and a racing heart. Start out by replacing one caffeinated drink per day with a healthy drink such as green tea, which is full of immunity system strengtheners called antioxidants. Then, gradually increase the number of substituted drinks until you have fully converted to beneficial beverages, including water.
3. Lower the amount of red meat that you consume each week, and replace it with fish and whole foods that are plant-based. Research by nutritionists show vegetarian and vegan diets can reverse heart disease and possibly stop or reverse early stage prostate cancer. Other studies show that plant-based diets slow the effects of aging on the human body.
4. Visit your doctor for a complete physical. Many health problems are easier to fix when caught early. Additionally, you will find out how much exercise is right for you to begin a daily regimen. Starting out with overly strenuous activities can actually be harmful. Enjoyable daily walks in the spring are terrific for breathing fresh air and soaking up some sunshine, and it is a great way to exercise.
5. Try yoga. Simple beginner's yoga can decrease stress and improve your body's flexibility, strength and stamina. Moreover, simply arising 15 minutes earlier each morning to practice yoga can add much to your mental well-being.
6. Start a new hobby that helps you fully appreciate springtime outdoors. Photography, whether you take a class or just create a photo collage of the signs of spring, is a wonderful way to renew your perception of nature and recognize the best things in life.
7. Volunteer with an outdoor program such as urban tree planters, litter pick up patrols or check your local humane society for volunteer dog walking programs. You can gain physical, emotional and spiritual benefits from volunteering in your local community.
8. Join a local hobby group for outdoors recreation such as kayaking. This is a wonderful way to make new friends as you improve your health. Many other groups exist for any level of time, cost and commitment you care to assume. Additionally, check out local day-tour groups that explore your state for a variety of enriching adventures.
Spring is a very exciting time of year. It promises new beginnings, warmer weather and hope for many exciting adventures. Healthy activities can fill an individual's weekends and evenings, as they make it a point to combine daily tasks with enjoyable routines.
Yours in Good Health,
Eugene Wood
Licensed Massage Therapist