Tuesday, February 18, 2014

How Regular Massage Improves High Blood Pressure

Many people suffer from high blood pressure and don't even realize it. Unlike low blood pressure, there are virtually no symptoms. Unless a person is going in for regular blood pressure checks, they have no idea whether it is high or not - and this is how it has earned the nickname Silent Killer.

Anyone and everyone can suffer from high blood pressure. Men and women, and even children can suffer from it, which means that it's not limited to one particular group.

Lower the Stress Levels Through Massage

One of the main reasons that people have high blood pressure is because of stress. Salivary and urinary cortisol stress levels can increase and this leads to the higher blood pressure. Massage has been a proven way to reduce the cortisol stress levels. A massage therapist can get into the muscles and other tissues to help relieve built up tension and ensure that the hormone levels balance out. The diastolic and systolic blood pressure will then start to decrease.

Through massage, it's possible to lower depression, anxiety and even hostility. This will help to keep a person calmer and the blood pressure will drop naturally without the use of any medication.

There have been long-term studies conducted. Those who were getting massages on a regular basis were able to lower the pressure without any pills. Those that did not get massages were regularly increasing their pressure and needed medication to manage it.

Massage increases venous blood flow and circulation once again which also keeps stress hormones flowing and thus balanced. In some part of the world, this is known as releasing the chi or the life force when there are blocks inside the body.

The Benefits of Massage

There are many benefits to massage when it comes to lowering high blood pressure. It will help to lower depression and anxiety. It can also keep the stress hormone levels under control, which will keep the cortisol in check. Cortisol is one of the key hormones associated with belly fat as well. 

When there are lower blood pressure numbers, it lowers a person's risks of having a heart attack, stroke or kidney failure. This can lead to an overall healthier body, reduce the need to take medication, and add years to a person's life.

The Type of Massage That Helps

An Ayurvedic massage is a form of massage that helps to improve the circulation and relax the body. It involves massaging both the head and the body in order to get the blood flowing to all areas. This can also be used as a way to cleanse the body from harmful toxins. As this kind of massage takes place, a person can literally feel everything beginning to improve.

Over time, the body can get stressed over little things. As the stress continues, the body continues to deal with it - and this tightens up muscles, increases the level of stress hormones and blood pressure. Regular massage treatments prevent this from happening - and the key to this is regular treatments.

An Ayurvedic massage originated in India and through today, it is done on a weekly basis in many households as a way of ensuring the body is able to deal positively with stress. Since the massage helps with circulation and releasing tension, a person never has to deal with weeks upon weeks of stress being added to the body. Toxins are removed on a regular basis and this helps to keep the body in a healthy state.

A Swedish massage therapist can provide a regular massage routine for a person. Every massage begins with talking about the body and what's going on within a person's life. This gives the therapist an idea of where to concentrate in order to massage the necessary parts of the body and get the circulation flowing again.

It is a good idea for everyone to get their blood pressure checked. If it is high, it can be helpful to schedule a massage to see how it can help. When massage is incorporated into a person's workweek, stress can be combated in an effective manner so that it doesn't have a chance to take down the body and cause high blood pressure.

There have been countless studies to show that high blood pressure can be lowered through the use of regular massage. Making an appointment with a local Swedish massage therapist can potentially save a person from ever having to go on to blood pressure medication - which can also cause an array of unwanted side effects.

Eugene Wood, LMT
Wantagh Massage Therapist